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Visa Navigate

March 2024


1 - 2 Minutes

Navigating the digital shift

Visa and Form3's commercial partnership aims to bring our capabilities together in an effort to reduce high levels of fraud in real-time account-to-account payments.

In a white paper series, "Navigating the Digital Shift", together we examine the banking sector's agile leap toward innovative technologies and how these changes are reframing customer expectations.

Part 1 speaks to the evolution of customer expectations, the struggle between legacy architecture and the need for agile, rapid change, and the hurdles banks face.

Keep up to date with news from the Visa Payments Forum Europe

The Visa Payments Forum Europe is our flagship client event taking place this September in Paris during the Paralympic Games. Why does it matter? We'll be discussing the hottest trends shaping the future of commerce, announcing game-changing moments and sharing hot-off-the-press insights.

All this and much more will be accessible on Visa Navigate during and post the event. So, sign up for the Visa Navigate newsletter and follow the hashtag #VPF2024 to be the first to hear big news live from the Visa Payments Forum Europe.

Stay current with the latest payments insights from Visa Navigate Europe - subscribe today.

All brand names, logos and/or trademarks are the property of their respective owners, are used for identification purposes only, and do not necessarily imply product endorsement or affiliation with Visa.

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