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Visa Navigate

December 2023


1 - 2 Minutes

Fleet and fuel – the shift to mobility solutions

Making sense of payment opportunities, from new product selection to migration

Companies and government entities with fleets of vehicles, whether they are passenger cars for employees and contractors, light vehicles for last-mile transport, or heavy vehicles for commercial transport have long had, and continue to have, common needs when it comes to fuel-related purchases. These range from being able to efficiently manage cashflow and liquidity; to having a holistic view and control of driver spending; providing sustainable mobility solutions and protecting against fraud.

recent announcement between Enfuce and Visa is an example of how companies are collaborating to manage some of these needs. A new cutting-edge mobility card solution, the 'Visa Fleet 2.0.' will revolutionise fleet management across Europe, offering enhanced efficiency through rich data and insights, cost reduction, and a crucial pivot toward sustainable transportation and mobility budgets.

More detailed information can be found in a new whitepaper from Visa Consulting & Analytics, which explores how new mobility solutions can deliver the payment flexibility fleets need as they incorporate electric and hybrid vehicles: Click here to access the report.

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