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Visa Navigate

April 2019


5 - 7 Minutes

Report | Future of transportation: Mobility in the age of the megacity

By 2050, the UN has predicted that 68% of the world’s 10 billion inhabitants will be living in cities.

From a purely economic standpoint, cities drive trade and prosperity in most countries. Cities are the incubators for creativity, new ideas and innovation, by fostering the interactions of larger numbers of people – particularly those from diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Central to a city’s success – and the cornerstone of any smart city strategy – is a dynamic transportation system that can move goods and people quickly, easily and reliably every day.

As the number of people who move to urban areas continues to rise, daily travel needs and patterns will change.

Making travel easier is critical both for economic success as well as basic quality of life. For smarter cities, that means effective use of real-time data to allocate assets more efficiently while enabling customers to make better travel decisions.

Increasingly, a journey will include many different “legs” and many different modes of transport. Addressing those needs – including planning a journey, booking and paying for tickets, checking timetables, and tracking that everything is running on time – needs to be as easy and as seamless as possible.

The creation of a seamless, frictionless transportation experience requires the cooperation and collaboration of a variety of parties in the ecosystem, from urban planners and public authorities, to think tanks, automotive companies and technology firms.

The Future of Transportation study examines the growing demand for public and private transportation and the changing role that digital commerce is playing in driving sustainable growth.

It reflects the feedback of 19,000 consumers in 19 countries and identifies significant challenges faced by growing urban centres. Visa partnered with Stanford University to identify where there are existing technology solutions and where they still need to be developed.2

By examining the bigger picture, we can help create smarter, better-designed cities geared towards resident and visitor needs. Together, we can ensure that cities of the future are more enjoyable places to live, work, play and visit.

Read the full report here


2 https://www.visa.co.uk/visa-everywhere/blog/bdp/2019/04/15/examining-the-big-1555322541080.html

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