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Visa Navigate

March 2024


1 - 2 Minutes

Empowering the next generation with financial skills

As we revealed in late 2023, 76% young people (Generation Alpha) across Europe aspire to either establish their own business, run a small enterprise, or pursue a 'side hustle'.

This is a remarkable figure given just 18% of the current working population work for themselves1, demonstrating a huge ambition and appetite to be successful financially and independently.

It’s crucial that future generations from all backgrounds feel empowered to develop positive financial behaviours. As Mairead McGuinness, Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union quoted at the launch of a joint EU/OECD financial competence framework for children last year2, “Our relationship with money starts at a very young age and habits created when we are young stay with us throughout our lives.”

So, for these generation Alpha kids to stand a chance of being the next wave of entrepreneurs and business owners through Europe, they’ll need access to digital skills and programmes to support their development.

But the playing field isn’t level and access to trusted and credible sources of information can be challenging. According to the "Young persons' money index 2022/23" from the London Institute of Banking and Finance, only 8 percent of those aged 15 to 18 cited their school as a main source of financial education, with 68 per cent citing their parents and 19 per cent claiming to be "self-taught"3. Furthermore, data from our partners at My Bnk found that 2 in 5 young adults are financially illiterate4.

During Global Money Week, we focused on empowering young people and building digital skills with a focus on entrepreneurship. We are expanding beyond money management into skills development to ensure we are best serving our communities to drive access, expertise and accelerate financial inclusion with a range of programmes.

Visa's programmes are wide-ranging and seek to impact entrepreneurs, individuals and communities, helping to build stronger financial futures.

From helping younger generations learn the financial basics with educational Marvel Comics, teaming up with HSBC to provide grassroot support to women footballers, and providing free, educational tools through our Practical Business and Practical Money skills platforms, Visa is helping drive financial inclusion, one step at a time.

Over the coming weeks, we will be launching a new financial inclusion hub on visa.co.uk: housing existing content from our financial inclusion programmes as well as new activities. The aim being to showcase Visa's impact while building a platform to bring about positive societal change.

We’re also working with our partners at MyBnk on research exploring the links between financial literacy and entrepreneurial skills, to help better understand how we can meaningfully help different communities take control of their financial futures.

We believe that by working together, we have the power to close the skills gap and drive financial inclusion across Europe.

For more information on Global Money Week, visit: https://globalmoneyweek.org

Keep up to date with news from the Visa Payments Forum Europe

The Visa Payments Forum Europe is our flagship client event taking place this September in Paris during the Paralympic Games. Why does it matter? We'll be discussing the hottest trends shaping the future of commerce, announcing game-changing moments and sharing hot-off-the-press insights.

All this and much more will be accessible on Visa Navigate during and post the event. So, sign up for the Visa Navigate newsletter and follow the hashtag #VPF2024 to be the first to hear big news live from the Visa Payments Forum Europe.

Stay current with the latest payments insights from Visa Navigate Europe - subscribe today.

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Case studies, comparisons, statistics, research and recommendations are provided “AS IS” and intended for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for operational, marketing, legal, technical, tax, financial or other advice. Visa Inc. neither makes any warranty or representation as to the completeness or accuracy of the information within this document, nor assumes any liability or responsibility that may result from reliance on such information. The Information contained herein is not intended as investment or legal advice, and readers are encouraged to seek the advice of a competent professional where such advice is required.

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