What did we learn from the great digital acceleration?
The past two years have been characterised by an unprecedented acceleration in the development and adoption of digital technologies and solutions.
Here, Visa Navigate looks back at some of the key articles we have published that explore different aspects of the great digital acceleration – from new and surprising partnerships to emerging trends in security and crypto.
1) Partnering with the public sector to accelerate Europe’s economic recovery
Several European governments are actively considering how digitisation can contribute to economic recovery and, specifically, the role digital payments can play in areas such as disbursements, data, tourism, urban mobility, and public administration.
This piece looks at examples of how authorities have been working with the payment sector to accelerate digitisation in Greece and Spain.
2) How can digital payments help travel rebound?
The pandemic hit few industries harder than international travel, as restrictions on movement and subdued confidence among travellers suppressed global international tourism.
As the impact on the industry unfolded, two immediate concerns came to light – namely, cashflow and fraud. This has also taken place amid an unprecedented shift in customer behaviour and expectations, particularly with regard to digital payments.
3) The car as a payment device
This article explores a new global technology partnership between Visa and Daimler which shows that anything with a digital heartbeat can become a highly secure, fully authenticated, always-on payment device.
From the spring of 2022, Daimler customers in Europe will be able to pay for goods and services by using their fingerprints in the car.
4) Current trends to secure the future of money
Consumers have shifted their behaviour, embracing the convenience, reliability and security that accompanies ecommerce and contactless payments.
However, security threats in the payment ecosystem have also continued to evolve and, more than ever before, there is a critical need to tackle increasingly sophisticated fraudsters and cyber criminals on a global scale.
5) The rediscovery of retail post-pandemic
The past two years have fundamentally altered retail, and consumers and sellers have discovered new ways to embrace innovation.
This article looks at how digitisation has revolutionised retail as convenience became the top consumer motivation and online shopping reached levels we did not expect for at least five years.
6) Five cryptocurrency trends and what these new payment flows mean for Europe
Many financial institutions and payment providers are considering the implications of the proliferation of cryptocurrencies for their business – and the potential to provide related products and services.
In this article we consider the main trends behind the major rise in attention for cryptocurrencies and what this may mean for Europe’s payment ecosystem.
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