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Visa Navigate

November 2023


15 - 16 Minutes (click play to watch the video)

WATCH: Talking Trust and Security with writer, actor and TV host Alexis Conran

In this episode of Visa Trust Talks, Charles Lobo, Regional Risk Officer for Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa at Visa, and writer, actor and TV host, Alexis Conran discuss the evolving trend of social engineering and what individuals and organizations can do to better to protect themselves.

Alexis Conran is best known as the man who identifies, uncovers and helps individuals and businesses to protect themselves against scams. As writer and presenter of the highly acclaimed BBC TV show, The Real Hustle, Alexis' focus was to identify the behavioral patterns, communication tactics and tricks that the world’s top scammers rely on to achieve their unscrupulous aims.

The conversation touches on pertinent topics in this area, such as the role and influence of social media on the 'art of the scam', consumers' level of awareness about protecting personal information, and the broader implications that consumer security has on the security of the wider commerce and payments ecosystem.

Visit Visa’s Stay Secure Awareness Platform for more insights from the 2023 study and to learn about the language of fraud.

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