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Charles Lobo, Regional Risk Officer, Visa CEMEA

March 2023


13 Minutes (click play to watch the video)

LISTEN: Charles Lobo, Regional Risk Officer at Visa CEMEA, Discusses the Future of Trusted Digital Money

As an industry, we are at an inflection point. Digital technology has transformed how money moves and the engine of global commerce now relies on the security of digital and in-person payments.

In this Navigate podcast, Charles Lobo, Regional Risk Officer for Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa at Visa, discusses the evolving role of the risk function, and the power and importance of cutting-edge security.

Charles also shares how Visa is staying one step ahead of increasingly sophisticated bad actors by taking a 360-degree approach to security, and what it takes to protect one of the world’s largest, most sophisticated and secure data processing networks.

Stay current with the latest payments insights from Visa Navigate CEMEA - subscribe today.

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