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Visa Navigate

April 2023


3 - 4 Minutes

From Aspiration to Action: Embedding Sustainability in Everyday Payments

Every purchase we make has two costs: one to our finances and one to the planet. The payments sector has always focused on the first. However, changing priorities mean that tools such as carbon footprint calculators and guided action are now a must-have for cardholders, businesses and the environment.

Illuminating the link between spending and sustainability
It is not easy being green: the number of moving parts is overwhelming. Research from Visareveals that consumers want card providers’ help. They want to see the impact of their spending and ‘solutions not sacrifice’ – eco-friendly tools embedded into everyday services.

Visa and its partners are innovating to help financial institutions answer these demands. A new wave of banking features can, for example, show consumers the carbon cost of individual transactions, share hints and tips, and allow donations to environmental causes.

“Our clients are increasingly interested in embedding sustainability into their businesses. This is matched with increasing interest from climate-conscious consumers who want a more sustainable lifestyle but don’t know where to start", explains Otto Williams, Head of Products, Solutions and Partnerships for Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa (CEMEA) at Visa.

Helping consumers bridge the aspiration-action gap
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) factors influence not only what consumers buy but also the services they use, including banking. However, while 71% of consumers are more likely to choose a bank with a positive social and environmental impact, only a quarter of consumers have sustainability features on their cards2. There is a significant opportunity, therefore, for the financial institutions that can bridge this aspiration-action gap.

“Every industry must ask what role it can play in saving the planet. The payments sector has the power to educate consumers on their carbon footprint and drive behavioral change. It is our duty to put this to good use", says Otto Williams.

Helping companies quantify their ESG credentials
Consumers are not alone: a wide range of stakeholders – from regulators to shareholders – have elevated ESG from a nice-to-have to a hard requirement. In addition, top-down regulation is increasing as governments push business to meet climate targets.

This poses a problem. How do companies prove progress in this area? Exaggerate and stand accused of greenwashing, get it wrong and risk a regulatory fine. The answer is data - quantifiable proof that a company is reducing its carbon footprint and enabling others to do so.

ecolytiq – the cutting edge of carbon calculation
Visa Eco Benefits partners with ecolytiq, a tech platform that drives climate education and behavior change, enabling banks to empower consumers to take action in a transparent, open and localized way to minimize their carbon footprint. A community of leading research institutes, not-for-profit and industry associations back the technology. The partnership also runs a sustainable card material program as part of its eco-conscious agenda.

How is Visa helping?
Visa has partnered with ecolytiq – an all-in-one sustainable banking solution – and has placed it at the core of its Visa Eco Benefits solution, reaffirming Visa’s commitment to driving sustainable commerce and climate action in the payments industry from a position of leadership, while also supporting banks’ objectives to meet increasing demand from cardholders for sustainable and purpose-led products. It can be added to any Visa consumer credit or debit card and works in four ways:

Awareness – displaying a transaction’s carbon footprint on a banking app. A consumer might learn, for example, that a recent steakhouse visit has a carbon cost of 101 kg of CO23.

Education – sharing easy-to-digest tips tailored to their spending habits. Following the restaurant payment, an integrated insight could explain that white meat creates fewer emissions than red meat.

Engagement – rewarding customers for sustainable behavior and card-linked promotions from Visa’s Loyalty products toolkit. Visa Eco Benefits will also offer to donate to environmental organizations.

Action – equipping consumers with the knowledge and digital tools to make positive change. A restaurant-goer might choose to offset the carbon footprint of their meal with a charity donation or opt for chicken when they next dine out. With Visa Eco Benefits, consumers may also benefit from a sustainable card material program.

“With consumer concerns around sustainability at an all-time high, Visa Eco Benefits gives financial institutions a tool to help their clients better understand their impact, facilitate behavior change, and compensate for their carbon footprint", says Otto Williams.

A win-win for banks and the environment
ecolytiq, the technology behind Visa Eco Benefits, reduces a cardholder’s carbon footprint by around 10% while increasing their spending. It has also improved engagement with banking apps by up to 145%4.

This is the data for which climate-conscious stakeholders have been waiting. By removing ‘green guesswork’, initiatives such as Visa Eco Benefits attract consumers, provide hard proof for regulators and, above all, positively impact the planet in the long-term.

“Sustainability is the challenge of our time, but also one of the greatest opportunities for the finance industry. Equipped with the right tools like the Visa Eco Benefits bundle, the finance industry becomes the driving force for change by educating millions of consumers about their impact and empowering them to take effective climate action to build the sustainable future we all deserve”, explains Ulrich Pietsch, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, ecolytiq.

How does it work?
ecolytiq bases its calculations on the Open Payment Standard, a global authority for calculating individual carbon footprints based on transaction data. In addition, its proprietary algorithm uses several criteria, such as purchase location and customer feedback loops, to refine a transaction’s CO2 value.

It generates personalized and contextualized hints and tips on reducing carbon impact and enables cardholders to take direct climate action by donating to sustainable causes through their banking app. ecolytiq predicts that reaching 100 million consumers by 2025 will help save up to 100m tons of CO2 per year5.

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All brand names, logos and/or trademarks are the property of their respective owners, are used for identification purposes only, and do not necessarily imply product endorsement or affiliation with Visa.

1 Sustainability Solutions at Visa, 31 January 2023
2 Visa commissioned research: Identifying Opportunities to Engage Consumers on Sustainable Banking Products, October 2021
3 ecolytiq homepage, 
4 Initial ecolytiq success KPIs for banks based on live bank projects in Germany and France, 2021
5 ecolytiq Visa: Sustainability as a Service CEMEA Launch January 2023
6 ecolytiq Visa: Sustainability as a Service CEMEA Launch January 2023

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